Touchstone is an intergenerational cohousing community located just west of the city limits of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Cohousing architecture promotes interaction between individuals, breaking down the isolation typical of suburban developments while maintaining privacy. Individually owned homes cluster around common facilities with automobiles kept to the periphery.
Though we still have private lives, we’ve chosen to reside in this tightly knit neighborhood. We share two meals a week in the common house, which also provides laundry facilities and children’s play space.
We work together to maintain our landscaping. We govern ourselves by consensus and use dialogue to manage our conflicts.
Each household occupies a private residence with its own kitchen.
Together with two other adjoining cohousing communities, we occupy 35 acres of land, featuring two ponds, a small forest with trails and picnic areas.

“Cohousing provides a sense of safety and the feeling that you are part of a large family who will always be there for you. I love the fact that we are a multigenerational community and that there are so many people with ‘expert’ knowledge about gardening, computers, and many other things right at my doorstep.”
– Mary Ann, a Touchstone homeowner (See more testimonials…)